The Parish Committee is one of the essential governing bodies within the whole of the Polish National Catholic Church. This is a key area in which the democratic principles of the PNCC are present. According to the PNCC Constitution Article V Section 5, “The Parish Committee of this Parish shall consist of the Pastor, a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and not less than three (3) Directors, unless otherwise prescribed by law, all of whom shall be members, in good standing, of this Parish.” Also, “the Officers and Directors of this Parish shall be elected at the annual Parish meeting to hold office for the ensuing year and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead.”
Saint Mary’s Parish is governed in social and material matters by its Parish Committee. This body is elected at the Annual Parish Meeting and serves for one year. It meets monthly to monitor and make decisions on pressing matters for the parish.





Rev. Tadeusz Czelen


Ted Maciurzynski


Robert Szkolnicki

Recording Secretary

Cheryl Peltier

Financial Secretary

Maria Germinario


Ted Kukula


Rev. Robert Kay

Daisy Gatiwan

Virginita Banaga

John Hangdaan

Claude Caya, Piotr Janecki

Elaine Van Den Bussche