Monthly Bulletin
St. Mary’s Parish
Polish National Catholic Church
365 Burrows Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 1Z9 • Tel. (204) 586-3825
Rev. Bob Kay – Administrator
If this is your first visit with us, feel at home and if there is anything we can do for you please let us know. Please join us for cake and coffee fellowship that follows Mass. St. Mary’s Parish of the Polish National Catholic Church has been in existence for 117 years. It is our hope and prayer to grow in service to God and community. This commitment manifests itself in regular devotional and prayer life and a greater participation in both ecumenical and community activities. At St. Mary’s Parish, our primary emphasis is on the Parish Family. All who belong sense this family spirit – expressed in a real love and concern for one another. Our pastor makes a point to know each family on a one-to-one basis with visits to family homes and to the hospitalized. Thus the spiritual health and vitality of all parishioners and all our friends is supported by both pastor and laity.
If you are looking for a parish and are considering St. Mary’s Parish, feel free to talk with any parishioner about it. We will introduce you to our family in all its wonderful aspects- a family whose real strength lies in our personal and real relationship to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We express this faith in our Church through our liturgy which is Catholic and traditional, shared between priest and laity. We demonstrate this faith in the prayerful material and emotional support we give one another. We share this faith in a Church rooted in democratic principles and a church constitution giving laity full rights due process in matters financial, administrative and material.
Single, twice-divorced, under 30, filthy rich, poor as dirt, can’t sing, married with pets, older than God, more catholic than St. Peter, workaholic, bad speller, screaming babies, three-times divorced, passive-aggressive, obsessive compulsive, tourists, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts, oh, and YOU.
Celebration of the Eucharist and Mass Intentions:
10:00AM – † Anne, Marion Tylipski
10:00AM – † Anna, Lucien VanDenBussche
St. Mary’s Day – Lunch after Mass
Price $20
10:00AM – † Jerzy Kukuła, Howard Butler
10:00AM – † Władysław, Józef, Julia
August 3 – Finding the Body of St. Stephen
Saint Stephen, the protomartyr of the Catholic Church, was stoned to death by the Jews in the year 36. He was buried twenty miles from Jerusalem, on the estate of Saint Gamaliel. The precious relics of Saint Stephen were discovered there in the year 415. Their finding is commemorated on August 3, and their translation to Rome on May 7. The body of Saint Stephen was placed beside the body of Saint Laurence, in Rome. When it was put there, Saint Laurence’s body miraculously moved to one side, while he extended to Saint Stephen his hand, welcoming the body of Saint Stephen to rest beside his own. The Italian Catholics call Saint Laurence, because of this kindness, “the courteous Spaniard.” Saint Stephen was one of the first seven deacons. He began to serve the poor and preach to the people about Jesus. More and more people joined the Christians. The high priests of the temple were jealous of Saint Stephen’s successes, and accused him of blasphemy, which means telling lies about God. They took him in front of a judge, just like they did to Jesus. At the trial, Saint Stephen kept on teaching about Jesus. He told the judges that they were hard-hearted murderers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. When the crowd heard this, everyone became so angry that they stopped the trial, dragged Saint Stephen outside and threw rocks at him. Saint Stephen forgave the people who were stoning him, and asked God not to punish the people. Then he said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” and died. Saint Stephen was the first Christian martyr, the first person to die because he loved Jesus so much that he wouldn’t stop talking about Him.
August 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord
The feast of the Transfiguration of Christ celebrates the revelation of Christ’s divine glory on Mount Tabor in Galilee (Matthew 17:1-6; Mark 9:1-8; Luke 9:28-36). After revealing to His disciples that He would be put to death in Jerusalem (Matthew 16:21), Christ, along with Ss. Peter, James, and John, went up the mountain. There, St. Matthew writes, “he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow.” The brightness was not something added to Christ but the manifestation of His true divine nature. For Peter, James, and John, it was also a glimpse of the glories of heaven and of the resurrected body promised to all Christians. As Christ was transfigured, two others appeared with Him: Moses, representing the Old Testament Law, and Elijah, representing the prophets. Thus Christ, Who stood between the two and spoke with them, appeared to the disciples as the fulfillment of both the Law and the prophets. At Christ’s baptism in the Jordan, the voice of God the Father was heard to proclaim that “This is my beloved Son” (Matthew 3:17). During the Transfiguration, God the Father pronounced the same words (Matthew 17:5).
August 15 – Assumption of the BVM
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life is not defined as a dogma of the Polish National Catholic Church. The Feast of the Assumption, celebrated every year on August 15, is a very old feast of the Church, celebrated universally by the sixth century. It commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven, before her body could begin to decay-a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin’s passing into eternal life, it is the most important of all Marian feasts and a holy day of obligation. The feast was originally celebrated in the East, where it is known as the Feast of the Dormition, a word which means “the falling asleep.” The earliest printed reference to the belief that Mary’s body was assumed into Heaven dates from the fourth century, in a document entitled “The Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God.” The document recounts, in the words of the Apostle John, to whom Christ on the Cross had entrusted the care of His mother, the death, laying in the tomb, and assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Tradition places Mary’s death at Jerusalem or at Ephesus, where John was living.
August 24 – Bartholomew, Apostle
All that is known of him with certainty is that he is mentioned in the synoptic gospels and Acts as one of the twelve apostles. His name, a patronymic, means “son of Tolomai” and scholars believe he is the same as Nathanael mentioned in John, who says he is from Cana and that Jesus called him an “Israelite…incapable of deceit.” The Roman Martyrology says he preached in India and Greater Armenia, where he was flayed and beheaded by King Astyages. Tradition has the place as Abanopolis on the west coast of the Caspian Sea and that he also preached in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt. The Gospel of Bartholomew is apochryphal and was condemned in the decree of Pseudo-Gelasius. Feast Day August 24. St. Bartholomew, a doctor in the Jewish law, was a dear friend of St. Philip the Apostle. Because Bartholomew was a man “in whom there was no guile,” his mind was open to the truth. He went willingly with Philip to see Christ, and recognized the Savior immediately as the Son of God. After having received the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost, Bartholomew evangelized Asia Minor, northwestern India, and Greater Armenia. In the latter country, while preaching to idolaters, he was arrested and condemned to death.
St. Bartholomew
In St. John’s Gospel, Bartholomew is known by the name Nathaniel (the liturgy does not always seem aware of this identity). He hailed from Cana in Galilee, was one of the first disciples called by the Lord. On that initial meeting Jesus uttered the glorious compliment: “Behold, an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile!” After the Resurrection he was favored by becoming one of the few apostles who witnessed the appearance of the risen Savior on the sea of Galilee (John 21:2). Following the Ascension he is said to have preached in Greater Armenia and to have been martyred there. While still alive, his skin was torn from his body. The Armenians honor him as the apostle of their nation. Concerning the fate of his relics, the Martyrology says: “His holy body was first taken to the island of Lipari (north of Sicily), then to Benevento, and finally to Rome on an island in the Tiber where it is honored by the faithful with pious devotion.” The Church of Armenia has a national tradition that St. Jude Thaddeus and St. Bartholomew visited the Armenians early in the first century and introduced Christianity among the worshippers of the god Ahura Mazda. The new faith spread throughout the land, and in 302 A.D., St. Gregory the Illuminator baptized the king of Armenia, Dertad the Great, along with many of his followers. Since Dertad was probably the first ruler to embrace Christianity for his nation, the Armenians proudly claim they were the first Christian State.
August 26 – Our Lady of Częstochowa
The legend says that after Jesus’ crucifixion, when the Virgin Mary moved to St. John’s home, she took with her some personal articles, among them a table made by our Redeemer in St. Joseph’s workshop. The story continues and says that when the pious women of Jerusalem asked St. Luke to do a painting of the Mother of God, he used this table to paint the image. The image remained in Jerusalem for a time, until the Romans began to destroy the city. Divine providence guided the image to Constantinople, where it was carefully protected by the Christians there. By 802, the image appeared in White Russia. During a war in the middle of the fourteenth century, the image was struck by an enemy arrow. Prince Wladyslaw, in order to prevent the destruction of the image, decided to transport it to the land of his birth. While traveling through Poland, with the image in a horse drawn carriage, the horses refused to go any further when they reached the town of Czestochowa. The prince went up to the chapel on top of the hill Jasna Gora to pray, since he saw the horses’ refusal to go on as a divine message. In a dream, Our Lady appeared to him, and told him she wanted the image to be venerated there in Czestochowa. This was in the year 1382. The prince ordered the building a bigger and more elaborate Church, along with a monastery. Pilgrims began traveling from all over to venerate the image. She has been in Czestochowa since this time, and has become a national treasure of the Polish people, who venerate her as the Queen of Poland. The present Basilica in which the image resides was built in 1902.
The painting of the Virgin belongs to the type of icons designated as Odigitria (a word of Greek origin meaning “The one who shows and guides along the way”). This wood painting measures 122.2 cm by 82.2 cm by 3.5 cm and represents the bust of the Virgin who carries Jesus in her arms. The face of the Virgin stands out in that whoever looks at the painting is found immersed in Mary’s gaze: the pilgrim looks at Mary who looks back. The Child also faces the pilgrim but with a fixed look. Both faces have serious and pensive expressions, giving the painting an emotional tone. Two parallel scratches crossed by a third mark the Virgin’s right cheek. Her neck shows six other scratches, two of which are visible, whereas the other four can barely be seen. In the image, Jesus wears a scarlet tunic and rests on His Mother’s right arm as a makeshift throne in order to be seated. The Child’s left arm holds a book, and the right arm is raised as if he was giving his blessing. The Virgin’s hand rests on his chest, points to the Child, and appears to tell us: “Pay attention to my Child Jesus.” The Virgin’s dress and mantle are adorned with the flower of lis, a symbol of the royal family of Hungary. The brightness of their apparel contrasts with the dark colors of their faces. A star with six vertices is depicted on Mary’s forehead. Both the Virgin and Jesus have golden halos. Given the dark color of the face and hands of Our Lady, the image has been fondly called “the Black Virgin,” a phrase which reminds us of the Song of Songs, “I am dark-skinned but beautiful.” Her darkness can be attributed to many reasons, one being the poor conditions of the places where she has been hidden to safeguard her. In addition, numerous candles have been lit before her, causing her to be constantly amidst smoke. As well, she most likely has been touched by a multitude of people. In the image, the wounds on her face were caused by some bandits who tried to steal the image in 1430. The wound on her throat was caused by the Tartars who besieged the castle of Belz; one of the enemy’s arrows went through the Chapel’s window and hit the icon. The two cuts on the cheek of the Virgin, along with the harm previously caused by the spear through her throat, always reappear despite the repeated attempts to restore the image.
Throughout the history of the icon, our Blessed Mother has manifested her powerful intercession in the midst of many dangers. One of the most well-known occurred on September 14th, 1920 when the Russian army set up camp near the Vistula River, where they were preparing to invade the city of Warsaw. As a result, the people turned to the Virgin Mary. The next day on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Russian army withdrew its troops after an image of the Virgin appeared in a cloud over the city. The Polish refer to this victory as The Miracle of Vistula. The miracles attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Czestochowa are numerous and spectacular, including resurrections. Princess Anna Wisniowiecka in 1613 was boating and fell into a raging river in the midst of a storm. She cried out to Our Lady of Czestochowa to save her, and Our Lady appeared and helped her safely to shore. At the end of the seventeenth century, there were a series of deadly epidemics that swept their way through Europe, including Poland. However, the city of Czestochowa was never touched by any. The Pauline fathers prepared for them, but they never came. These are just a few of the many miracles attributed to the icon and the intercession of Our Lady. The record of all the miracles attributed to this icon are kept by the Pauline fathers in Czestochowa.
August 30 – Beheading of St. John the Baptist
The death of St. John the Baptist is reported in varying amounts of detail throughout the synoptic Gospels and Mark and Matthew report the event with the most detail. In Mark’s Gospel, John was arrested and imprisoned because of King Herod’s fear of him. John had been openly censuring Herod for taking his sister-in-law as his own wife, and Herod was afraid that John’s preaching would start a revolt against him.
Although Herod feared John, he would not kill him because he knew John was a righteous and holy man, and he liked hearing John speak. Herodias, Herod’s wife, did not share his respect for John and looked for any chance to have him killed. Herodias’ chance came when her daughter Salome’s dancing so pleased Herod and aroused such irrational lust in him that he promised her anything she desired. Herodias prompted her daughter to ask for the death of John the Baptist. Herod granted her wish and John was killed.
The day for this feast is taken from the date when the Church of St. John was dedicated at Sebaste, in Samaria. This church is located at what is traditionally thought to be the burial site for St. John.
Saint John the Baptist was called by God to be the precursor of His divine Son. In order to preserve his innocence spotless, and to improve upon the extraordinary graces which he had received in his earliest infancy, he was directed by the Holy Spirit to lead an austere and contemplative life in the wilderness. There he devoted himself to the continuous exercise of devout prayer and penance.
When Saint John was thirty years old, the faithful minister of the Lord began to discharge his mission. Clothed with the garments of penance, he announced to all men the obligation weighing upon them of washing away their iniquities with the tears of sincere compunction. He proclaimed the Messiah, who was of his own age but whom he had never seen, when one day Jesus came to be baptized by him in the Jordan. Saint John was received by the poor folk as the true herald of the Most High God, and his voice was, as it were, a trumpet sounding from heaven to summon all men to avert the divine judgments. Souls were exhorted by him to prepare themselves to reap the benefit of the mercy offered them.
When the tetrarch Herod Antipas, in defiance of all laws divine and human, married Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip who was yet living, Saint John the Baptist boldly reprimanded the tetrarch and his accomplice for so scandalous an adultery. Herod, motivated by his lust and his anger, cast the Saint into prison. About a year after Saint John had been made a prisoner, Herod gave a splendid entertainment to the official world of Galilee. Salome, a daughter of Herodias by her lawful husband, pleased Herod by her dancing, to the point that he made her the foolish promise of granting whatever she might ask. Salome consulted with her mother as to what to ask, and that immoral woman instructed her daughter to demand the death of John the Baptist, and that the head of the prisoner should be immediately brought to her on a platter. This barbaric request startled the tyrant himself; but governed by human respect he assented and sent a soldier of his guard to behead the Saint in prison. Thus died the great forerunner of our blessed Saviour, some two years after his entrance upon his public ministry, and a year before the death of the One he announced.
We have been asked to keep the following people in our prayers: Michael Prach, Helena & Mikołaj Benczarski, Christina Walton, Helen Chmielowiec, Walter & Stella Maciurzynski, Konstanty Jackiewicz, Very Rev. Waclaw Cwieka, Christine Maciurzynski, Marianna Janiszewska, Anne & Marion Tylipski, Jessie Chorniuk, Walter Fedon, Rev. Tadeusz Czelen, Frank Payonk, Veronica Sosnowski, Eleanor Dutkievicz
August Birthdays: Banaga Kristine /11/, Gatiwan Renz /18/, Osadick Helen /18/, Feliciano Jenny /20/, Feliciano Samson /24/, Skrypetz Mary /24/, Lorraine Fedon /26/
The following are our brothers and sisters of St. Mary`s who are currently homebound, suffering from chronic illness, in recovery or in need of special prayers. Especially: Sofia Wolejszo, Chantalle Witon, Helena Wolejszo, Lloyd Mazur, Myron Mischuk, Bernice Payonk, Rose Budzinski, Halina and Edward Mandat, Janina Dzwonek, Mary Skrypetz, Patricia and Claude Caya, Lorraine Fedon, Helen Krokosh, Josie Jackiewicz, Mary & Larry Golembioski, Emily Wasney, Donna Fedon, Jennifer Bathan, Gail Grywinski, Frank Favoni, Lena Skrzenta, Grazyna Markiewicz, Zofia Janecki.
Dear God. Hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in special need at this time. Amid mental and physical suffering, may they find consolation in Your healing presence. Show Your mercy as You close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and with them, may we thank You for all Your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.
Earlier this year all parishioners received letter from Parish Chairman Ted Maciurzynski regarding 2022 Significance Campaign. This year we’ll focus on funding ongoing expenses – utilities, insurance, and taxes. Only these expenses cost us over $16,000 last year. Please help us! We are asking for financial help, because without these necessary expenses, the parish cannot exist. We cannot pay taxes, gas, hydro, water, or insurance. These expenses must be paid to keep the church open. As always, all donations to the Significance campaign stay in your church and all donations are fully tax deductible. Thank you to all who have donated to this campaign in past years. I know you will see the Significance of this campaign. This year, I encourage you to be generous and continue to demonstrate how Significant this church is for you.
If you wish to support St. Mary’s cemetery, please consider buying a plot for you or family members. Members of St. Mary’s Parish who are in good standing (pay yearly membership, attended Sundays and holidays Masses, also support financially parish) pay less.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP. If you have not paid your 2022 Parish Membership dues, please do so by the end of the year. Dues are $100.00 per year for adult members.
An individual may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. Requesting a Mass is a special way of remembering a loved one, celebrating an anniversary, making an act of thanksgiving, offering your prayer intentions before God or simply sharing in the feasts and seasons of the Church year. If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special request, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, you are encouraged to contact Fr. Czelen for scheduling the Mass.
For those who do not know, our parish has a cemetery located at 360 McIvor Ave. This beautiful setting is replete with the history and memory of those who served our parish and worshiped with us. If you and your family are at the stage of pre-planning for your Christian funeral and other matters, please consider a resting place in our Catholic Cemetery. If you have questions in relation to these issues, please see Fr. Kay.
Please help us.
We need your help to keep the wonderful story of St. Mary’s Cemetery alive, its gates open and its future secure. One of the most picturesque places in the city of Winnipeg is the location of our Cemetery which serves as the final resting place of many of our family members and friends as well as for our local founding fathers. The pastoral beauty serves to make the cemetery a truly restful, resting place – for both the dearly departed and for the living to enjoy the serenity while spending some time in prayer and communion with our loved ones. It is the on-going commitment needed to maintain this place of beauty that has become a concern for the Parish Committee again this year. Not only do we require the labor of our volunteers, but maintenance of our equipment is a recurring cost.
To all who continue to pray, sacrifice, and serve in Christian love and charity on behalf of our parish. To the members of our Parish Committee for their hard work and sacrifice. To Father Bob Kay, our wonderful lectors, altar servers, our organist and choir director Ted. To every parishioner, visitor, and member – you are a blessing and a treasure. God bless you and reward you! Bóg zapłać! Thank you!!!
Why do people select a particular church? A convenient location? Yes. A good speaker in the pulpit? Yes. Inspiring music? Yes. An attractive building? Yes. But a more essential element in attracting visitors, newcomers and prospective members is friendliness — both in the pew and throughout the community. Where there is a warm, dynamic congregation with an enthusiasm that’s contagious, visitors will usually be found, and will return. A church can buy many advantages with money, such as nice buildings, trained leadership, effective advertising and an abundance of supplies for spiritual and social use. But old-fashioned friendliness, of which the world is sorely in need, can’t be purchased with money. It comes only from the hearts of dedicated people who love God and enjoy helping others feel at home in their church.
Just a gentle reminder that God would like to see His children in His house of worship on every Sunday of the year. God, knowing everything, knows that many families are busy on Sunday mornings during the summer months doing things of great importance to them. God gave us free will, so, therefore, God does not force us to do anything. When we are troubled and turn to God for help or guidance Our Maker always makes time for us, yet so often we can’t seem to take an hour out of our Sunday morning schedules to give thanks to Him who always makes time for us. Please try to attend Mass as often during the summer.
Christian Prayer In Hard Times and Good Times
Father, I pray for all those in need,
For all of my friends and my family.
I pray for your strength to see us all through,
When life is the hardest and when times are good.
Father, when life seems to throw us a curve,
When we are unsettled, upset and unnerved.
I pray for your wisdom to carry us through,
When life is the hardest and when times are good.
Father, there is never a good time for sorrow,
Or the pain of uncertainty that comes with tomorrow.
I pray for your goodness to see us all through,
When life is the hardest and when times are good.
Father, you promised in your Holy Word
To never forsake us—of this we’re assured.
I pray for our Savior to carry us through,
When life is the hardest and when times are good.
Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer,
I thank you for Jesus who showed us he cared.
I pray your Spirit to see us all through,
When life is the hardest and when times are good.
It’s the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those who don’t deserve
It’s the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
Takes everything you have to say the word
It’s always angers own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you’ve got a right to hold a grudge
It’s the whisper in your ear saying, “set it free”
Lord, show me how to love the unlovable
Teach me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
It can clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what its power can do
So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of Grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you
August 15 – The Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Our parents most certainly taught us not to point. This, of course, is a lesson in politeness and common courtesy. Unfortunately, this lesson sometimes gets in our way of our Christian duty. During the month of August, we reflect on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was the first to point to Jesus, when she held him out before the shepherds and the Magi. Later she pointed to him at Cana in Galilee saying, “Do whatever he tells you.”
We cannot imagine the Blessed Virgin as being impolite or lacking in common courtesy, yet she spoke boldly in telling the servants to do as he tells you. We can think of St. John the Baptist as being bold and unafraid. Both Mary and John are on the same page when it comes to Jesus – point to him, Demand that the people Follow him, demand what the people do whatever he says. Pointing people to Jesus is contagious. John pointed and his followers went to follow Jesus. They then went and pointed others to Jesus: Family members, friends, and people they didn’t even know. Some of these people follow Jesus and point at others to Jesus. Pointing became exponential.
When it comes to Jesus and his Holy Church, it is time to recapture the fun of pointing. It is time to be bold. Of course, always point in love – Because when we point to Jesus and His Church that is what we are offering – The incredible gift of God’s love called Grace.
We use this month to point family member, friends, and those we do not know to Jesus. Will all follow, we will all do what he says?
Certainly not, but unless the gift is offered, pointed to, they may never know it exits. Give them the chance and point now.