The Ladies Society for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is a women’s organization that worships our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist by holding lighted candles during Mass and other services. They also offer the women of the parish a chance for fellowship in monthly meetings and gatherings.
This society is a group of women in the PNCC who play an active role in promoting and maintaining the Church and individual parishes physically and spiritually.
United Women’s Society for the adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament – Ladies Adoration Society is first society established within the Polish National Catholic Church. Its purpose is to promote the worship and love of Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and aid fellow Church members in their pursuit of Christian perfection through example.
This Society was founded by then Father Hodur in April 1897, as the first organization of the PNCC.
It was with great courage and foresight that Father Hodur founded this organization which elevated women in the church. In 1897 the Roman Catholic Church required that someone be present in the church during a celebration of Holy Mass and Canon Law said that a man or boy be present with the celebrant .If that was not possible a woman must be present but she would have to sit in the back of the church. Father Hodur said no, not in the Polish National Catholic Church, the women who worship and adore Christ with a lighted candle will sit in the first pew. He wanted equality for all who worshipped Christ. The main purpose of the Society is the worship of Jesus Christ and the Adoration of His presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. It is the spiritual duty and responsibility of our society that every first Sunday at high mass women sits on each side of the front pews and after saying Holy, Holy, Holy they light candles as a sign of adoration, reminding all that the Lord God is present. At the most solemn moment of the mass they go to the altar rail with the candles to adore Christ and His presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. The candles remain lit until the Most Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle, then they are extinguished.
1. To promote spiritual development within our society and our church on a Parish level, Diocesan level and National level.
2. Assist in the care of the church according to the traditions and instructions of the pastor and the society and the National Women’s Society, change and clean the altar linens and purchase various items for the altars as needed and decorate the altars with flowers at Christmas and Easter.
3. We attend and assist in worship services, meetings, church functions.
4. We wear the society medal which has an engraving of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the front and the church motto “Truth Work and Struggle” on the back while holding candles, during Benediction or attending any Society meetings. These medals are presented to new members on adopt a sister Sunday.
5. We remember our sisters who are ill by visits, phone calls, cards or flowers.
6. We take part in the final remembrance of our departed sisters with a service at the funeral home and a final tribute service held in church.
There is the active parish level of the Adoration society, which is part of the Diocesan level, which is part of the National Level that represents all Women’s Adoration Societies. This provides and promotes an opportunity to travel, to seminars, retreats the exchange of ideas, and socialization all with our main focus of serving the Lord and our beloved National Catholic Church.
The United Women’s Societies for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament has its own Constitution and handbook, the Society Medal and its own Publication –The Polka a woman’s Journal full of interesting articles from all the women’s societies.
We are all dedicated Sisters in Christ, who Love, Adore and Serve Christ and this Holy Church.
Mrs. Germinario Maria – President
Mrs. Banaga Virginita – Vice President
Mrs. Grywinski Gail – Secretary
Mrs. Owsianyk Brenda – Treasure
Mrs. Peltier Cheryl – Director
Mrs. Czelen Vicky – Director
Mrs. Hangdaan Remedios – Director